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Want To Write For WIT?

Are you looking for a chance to share your expertise, help others and gain exposure? We invite our talented and accomplished members to share what you know with the WIT community and the toy, licensing and entertainment industries. We’re interested in articles on a variety of topics, ie. helpful business tips, professional development advice for both industry newbies and seasoned veterans, industry trends, etc. Is there a topic you’d like to write about? Let us know!

Approved posts will be shared on the WIT blog, newsletter and social posts.


How it Works:

  1. Provide us with a 500-800 word post. Content must be unique and not previously published.

  2. Content should inform, inspire, and be of interest to our audience of industry professionals. No self-promotional posts, please.

  3. Submissions will be reviewed, and you will be contacted if selected

  4. Your headshot, one-line byline and website URL (if desired) will accompany your post

  5. All posts will be shared across WIT social channels, website and newsletter

We invite you to contribute as a guest writer, if you:

  1. Are an expert in your industry or field.

  2. Have achieved success in your area of business.

  3. Are committed to WIT and its mission.

  4. Are a current WIT member.

To apply, send the following in an email to

  1. Your 500-800 word article in Word Doc format

  2. Title of your article

  3. Your feature image sized to 750 x 500 pixels (jpg), including captions and photo credits

  4. Up to 3 additional images (jpg)

  5. Your name, title, company name, website URL, and a one-line byline about yourself.

Once we review your submission, we’ll be in touch.


Our audience ranges from toy, licensing and entertainment professionals to the general public.


Well written, carefully edited, easy to understand and professionally written. We will not accept content that is blatantly self-promotional. If you reference a statistic in your article, please provide appropriate reference links. Keep titles short and simple – preferably no more than eight words. All articles must be written in English. Original posts only.


All submissions will be reviewed and edited by the WIT editorial staff before publication.


Email with questions regarding your submission.

Subjects we’re interested in:


Professional Development

Kickstarter Tips & Tricks

Marketing & PR

Social Media Best Practices


Product Development


Email Marketing




Life/Work Balance

Licensing – Inbound & Outbound

Publication Policy:

We reserve the right to accept, edit or publish articles at our discretion. Content must be authentic and unique. If your article is selected for publication, you will receive an email with additional information. You understand and agree that your contributions will become the property of Women in Toys, Inc. and will not be removed if/when you are no longer contributing. You may republish extracts of your article after it posts on, however at least 50% of the content must be changed, and you must include a link to the original blog post on at the end of the post on your site. By doing this, Google knows we are friends and we avoid being marked as copied content.



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